Search for tag: "cc"

MediaSpace Video Quiz

For more videos, go to …

From  James Scott Jr 32 plays 0  

Upload Syllabus

How to upload your syllabus to Blackboard. For…

From  Jimmy Tuttle 75 plays 0  

Placing a Library Hold and Inter-Library Loan

Need a book for your research paper and the KPC…

From  Leslie Byrd 5 plays 0  

What's new in Blackboard

Assignment Submissions Multiple Attempts…

From  Claudia Pearson 20 plays 0  

MediaSpace Playlists and Channels

Using playlists and channels within KPC's…

+3 More
From  Sarah Frick 39 plays 0  

Blackboard & MediaSpace

How to add, edit, and use MediaSpace videos…

From  James Scott Jr 87 plays 0  

Blackboard Export Import

How to export and import Blackboard content…

From  Claudia Pearson 87 plays 0  

CaptureSpace Screen Recorder

How to create, edit, and upload screencast…

From  James Scott Jr 70 plays 0  

Accessing DegreeWorks...Explore the Possibilities

Accessing UAonline and utilizing DegreeWorks to…

From  Leslie Byrd 161 plays 0  

Accessing Webmail

The third in the 3 KEY components that support…

+5 More
From  Leslie Byrd 398 plays 0  

Accessing Blackboard

The third in a series of tutorial videos students…

+3 More
From  Brandi Kerley 280 plays 0  

Office 365 Login

Introduction and access to Microsoft Office 365…

From  Leslie Byrd 91 plays 0  

Screencasting Demo from Microsoft Surface

From  Sarah Frick 20 plays 0  

Contacting Students from UA Online

From  Jonathan Farmer 85 plays 0  

UA Online Grading

+20 More
From  Jonathan Farmer 102 plays 0